VMAs Subway Takeover


Creative Direction & Graphic Design

(Graphic Design) Jackie Chen, (Illustration) Kevin Dam, (Illustration) Justin Middendorp, (Copywriting) Mark Donnelly


A VMA Discord takeover of NYC with over 100 touchpoints filling the Barclay Metro Station with Discord energy. This partnership was brought on by Discord’s sponsorship of the VMAs 2021 Creator Category.


  • First large scale Out of Home since the Imagine a Place Rebrand of Discord

  • Needed over 100 individual assets to fill an NYC subway station and 2 other large public billboards in a two month turnaround

  • Many different specs and platforms to fill across different locations which needed to be communicated with multiple teams to execute within a two month turn around


  • Devised a grid system of windows and alternating patterns and layouts in order to optimize our production of all the assets

  • Created a successful systematic solution that could be (and was) applied to future brand moments for quick production


The Formula

Along with Jackie Chen, we proposed a grid like formula approach to tackle the endless amount of specs for this project. By mixing and matching a select number of key art, headlines, and stylized taglines, we were able to keep every instance fresh and branded while optimizing our work load.

Hero Panel:
Key art with a headline relating to content creators laid out with Discord UI elements


Discord Logo:
For brand awareness and clarity to potential new consumers

User Dots Grid:
Represents how a diverse number of users come together to form a community


Stylized versions of the Imagine a Place brand tagline that show a range of styles

The Result

What resulted was a fluid and adaptable visual system, true to the new Discord rebrand, emphasizing the bold colors, the funky illustrations, and the newly labeled idea of imagining a place. It could live across panels of billboards or on its own in little pockets of surprise and delight.